Greetings my loves, My name is Lomiekia (but you can just call me Lo’ or Meka) whichever is easier to remember. I’m the founder and CEO of Dynamic Duo Photography. Yes, I’m the “chick behind the lens”. I am married to my High School sweetheart Steve (who is the Duo to my Dynamics 🙂 we’ve been married for 13yrs now. My husband Steve actually use to work with me (in case you all are wondering about the story behind my business name “Dynamic Duo”) and when he’s not running his leadership business he’ll still assist me when I need the extra hands.
I’m the mother of an amazing little boy who keeps us busy but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love God, I love people and I love enjoying life. I believe that life is about having fun. My passion is Photography and I just simply love photographing people. I find pleasure in knowing my clients will be hanging my work in their living rooms or on their walls. My work will become their art, I take pride in that. It makes my day when they send me a picture of my work displayed in their homes. I love my job! I’ve been in photography since late 2011.
I’ve been picking up cameras long before that but didn’t realize that photography was my gift until later. I’m a South Florida based photographer. I also travel for my clients. I’ve lived in several states around the U.S and in each location I’ve had the honor of meeting & photographing some amazing people. My goal is to connect with you & to continue meeting new clients while capturing memories for you and your loved ones. I’m looking forward to photographing and meeting you. Let’s CONNECT!

2. I have one earthly child and an angel baby
3. I was 20yrs old when I got married
4. I’m the only girl of 3 children
5. When I have down time I enjoy reading & watching TV
6. I’m obsessed with SPAS…i just love going to Spas (When I have time, of course).
7. I’ve lived in 5 Different States
8. I love Photographing People…Obviously.
9. I love playing in makeup
10. I was married for 10 yrs before having my first child
11. I wear contacts and glasses.. let’s just say, it’s not an option.LOL.
12. I prefer texting over chatting on the phone. Unless it’s about business 😉
13. I’m a licensed Cosmetologist 😉
14. I rather shop ONLINE
15. My favorite social site is Instagram (it’s the photographer in me).
16. The first thing I do when I wake up is read a bible verse on my bible app.
17. I have a Shy side (people don’t believe it, but I do).LOL.
18. I can eat chicken everyday
19. I appreciate a well baked homemade cake
20. I’m a very good listener and communicator